If you use Jamf Pro and SolarWinds Web Help Desk (WHD), you may be interested in using this Jamf policy script to make WHD asset clients admin of their own assets on login.
Jamf and WHD Requirements
- Assets in WHD must have accurate serial numbers entered. The script uses the computer serial number to locate the asset in WHD, so WHD assets must have serial numbers.
- Assets in WHD must have one or more clients assigned to them. Clients assigned to the asset will be added to the ‘admin’ group for that asset on login.
- The Perl script uses the JSON module, which Apple included in MacOS v11. If the computer uses an older MacOS version, the script will exit with an error. The script uses a
section to handle importing the JSONdecode_json()
function and exit gracefully if the JSON module is missing.
Jamf Script Arguments
When adding the script to Jamf, you’ll want to add these parameter labels:
- Parameter 4: WHD hostname?
- Parameter 5: WHD API username?
- Parameter 6: WHD API key?
- Parameter 7: Always admin usernames (optional)?
Jamf Policy
- Trigger: Login
- Execution Frequency: Ongoing
- Parameter Values:
- Parameter 4: WHD hostname? example: helpdesk.mycompany.com
- Parameter 5: WHD API username? example: jsmith
- Parameter 6: WHD API key? example: yfi65OHG5hgu75IOgjhkdhte87JHGjhhjgjhgGJHG
- Parameter 7: Always admin usernames (optional)? example: sysadmin support
WHD requires a valid tech username for their API queries – any active tech username will do. :)
Jamf Policy Log Details
The log details will show the script argument values (the API key is hidden) along with a message of each action taken.
For example:
mount_point = /
computer_name = ASSET123
user_name = jdoe
whd_server = helpdesk.mycompany.com
whd_api_user = yfi65OHG5hgu75IOgjhkdhte87JHGjhhjgjhgGJHG
whd_api_key = ********
macos_version = x.x.x
user jdoe is already admin of ASSET123 (FVFYJ3ACJK80).
Jamf Policy Script
You can download the update-users-whd-asset-admin.pl script here.
You can also find the update-users-whd-asset-admin script on GitHub.
Leave a comment or suggestion below.
# update-user-is-whd-asset-admin.pl
# JAMF policy script to make clients admin of their own asset. Fetches asset
# clients from WHD based on the computer serial number. If $user_name is
# already part of the admin group, then do nothing. If $user_name matches one
# of the WHD asset clients (found using the hardware serial number), then
# $user_name is added to the admin group.
# Note that older MacOS versions did not include the JSON perl module, nor do
# they have Xcode installed to use the module from CPAN, so we must check for
# the existance of the JSON perl module to manage the error.
# JAMF script parameters:
# Parameter 4: WHD hostname?
# Parameter 5: WHD API username?
# Parameter 6: WHD API key?
# Parameter 7: Always admin usernames (optional)?
# Copyright 2023 JS Morisset <https://surniaulula.com/> and Sunshine Coast
# School District 46 <https://sd46.bc.ca/>.
# Authored by JS Morisset <https://surniaulula.com/>.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
# details.
# See <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for the GNU General Public License.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use IO::Socket::SSL;
use URI;
# Extra required modules.
# The JSON module is not available in old MacOS versions. If missing, we cannot
# install it from CPAN as MacOS does not have Xcode installed by default. The
# BEGIN block tells perl to run the code inside the BEGIN block as soon as that
# part of the script has finished compiling.
foreach my $mod ( ( 'JSON' ) ) {
my $mod_fname = "$mod.pm"; $mod_fname =~ s!::!/!g;
my $mod_found = 0;
while ( < @INC > ) {
if ( -s "$_/$mod_fname" ) {
$mod_found = 1;
eval "require $mod";
if ( ! $mod_found ) {
my $mount_point = $ARGV[ 0 ] || '';
my $computer_name = $ARGV[ 1 ] || '';
my $user_name = $ARGV[ 2 ] || '';
my $whd_server = $ARGV[ 3 ] || ''; # WHD hostname?
my $whd_api_user = $ARGV[ 4 ] || ''; # WHD API username?
my $whd_api_key = $ARGV[ 5 ] || ''; # WHD API key?
my $admin_users = $ARGV[ 6 ] || ''; # Always admin usernames (optional)?
my $macos_version = `/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion`;
print "\n";
print "mount_point = $mount_point\n";
print "computer_name = $computer_name\n";
print "user_name = $user_name\n";
print "whd_server = $whd_server\n";
print "whd_api_user = $whd_api_user\n";
print "whd_api_key = ********\n";
print "admin_users = $admin_users\n";
print "macos_version = $macos_version\n";
print "\n";
print "error: $mod perl module is required and missing.\n\n";
exit 1;
JSON->import( qw( decode_json ) );
# Global variables.
# Note that WHD API connections require a tech account name. Any tech account
# name will do so long as the tech account name exists.
my $admin_node = '.';
my $admin_group = 'admin';
my $mount_point = $ARGV[ 0 ] || '';
my $computer_name = $ARGV[ 1 ] || '';
my $user_name = $ARGV[ 2 ] || '';
my $whd_server = $ARGV[ 3 ] || ''; # WHD hostname?
my $whd_api_user = $ARGV[ 4 ] || ''; # WHD API username?
my $whd_api_key = $ARGV[ 5 ] || ''; # WHD API key?
my $admin_users = $ARGV[ 6 ] || ''; # Always admin usernames (optional)?
my $whd_asset_url = "https://$whd_server/helpdesk/WebObjects/Helpdesk.woa/ra/Assets/";
my $whd_client_url = "https://$whd_server/helpdesk/WebObjects/Helpdesk.woa/ra/Clients/";
my $home_dir = "/Users/$user_name";
my $cacert_pem = "$home_dir/.cacert.pem";
my $macos_version = `/usr/bin/sw_vers -productVersion`;
print "\n";
print "mount_point = $mount_point\n";
print "computer_name = $computer_name\n";
print "user_name = $user_name\n";
print "whd_server = $whd_server\n";
print "whd_api_user = $whd_api_user\n";
print "whd_api_key = ********\n";
print "admin_users = $admin_users\n";
print "macos_version = $macos_version\n";
print "\n";
# Basic requirement checks.
if ( ! length( $whd_api_key ) ) {
if ( ! length( $user_name ) ) {
print "error: user name parameter is required.\n\n";
exit 1;
} elsif ( ! length( $whd_server ) ) {
print "error: WHD hostname parameter is required.\n\n";
exit 1;
} elsif ( ! length( $whd_api_user ) ) {
print "error: WHD API username parameter is required.\n\n";
exit 1;
} elsif ( ! length( $whd_api_key ) ) {
print "error: WHD API key parameter is required.\n\n";
exit 1;
} elsif ( ! -d $home_dir ) {
print "error: home folder $home_dir does not exist.\n\n";
exit 1;
# Main section.
# If $user_name is already part of the admin group, then do nothing.
# If $user_name is part of the always admin parameter, then add $user_name to
# the admin group.
# If $user_name matches one of the WHD asset clients (found using the hardware
# serial number), then add $user_name to the admin group.
my $hw_serial_no = get_hardware_serial_number();
if ( user_is_admin() ) {
print "user $user_name is already admin of $computer_name ($hw_serial_no).\n";
} elsif ( user_is_always_admin() ) {
print "user $user_name can always admin $computer_name ($hw_serial_no).\n";
} elsif ( user_can_admin_asset() ) {
print "user $user_name can admin $computer_name ($hw_serial_no).\n";
} else {
print "user $user_name cannot admin $computer_name ($hw_serial_no).\n";
print "\n";
exit 0; # Stop here.
# Export the root certificates keychain to a .pem file in the user's folder for
# LWP::UserAgent.
sub update_user_cacert_pem {
`/usr/bin/security export -t certs -f pemseq -k /System/Library/Keychains/SystemRootCertificates.keychain -o "$cacert_pem" 2>/dev/null`;
if ( ! -s $cacert_pem ) {
print "error: failed to export system root certificates to $cacert_pem.\n\n";
exit 1;
# Get the hardware serial number for this computer.
# The hardware serial number should match the asset serial number in WHD.
sub get_hardware_serial_number {
# decode_json() is provided by the JSON module.
my $hw_data = decode_json( `system_profiler -json SPHardwareDataType` );
if ( ! length( $hw_data->{ SPHardwareDataType }[ 0 ]->{ serial_number } ) ) {
print "error: failed to get the hardware serial number.\n\n";
exit 1;
return $hw_data->{ SPHardwareDataType }[ 0 ]->{ serial_number };
# Check if the user name is in the local admin group.
# Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true).
sub user_is_admin {
my $group_membership = `/usr/bin/dscl -q "$admin_node" read "/Groups/$admin_group" GroupMembership`;
my @user_names = split( /[, ]+/, $group_membership );
shift( @user_names ) if $user_names[ 0 ] eq 'GroupMembership:';
return grep( /^$user_name$/, @user_names ) ? 1 : 0;
# Check if the user name is part of the optional $admin_users parameter.
sub user_is_always_admin {
my @user_names = split( /[, ]+/, $admin_users );
return grep( /^$user_name$/, @user_names ) ? 1 : 0;
# Check if the user is a client of the asset in WHD using the hardware serial
# number.
# Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true).
sub user_can_admin_asset {
my @user_names = get_whd_asset_client_user_names();
return grep( /^$user_name$/, @user_names ) ? 1 : 0;
# Add the user to the local admin group.
sub add_user_admin {
print "adding $user_name to the $admin_group group...\n";
`/usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -n "$admin_node" -a "$user_name" -t user "$admin_group"`;
if ( user_is_admin( $user_name ) ) { # Double check, just in case.
print "success: user $user_name is now admin of $computer_name ($hw_serial_no).\n";
} else {
print "error: failed to add user $user_name to the $admin_group group.\n\n";
exit 1;
# Get all client user names for an asset in WHD using the hardware serial
# number.
# Returns an array of client names.
sub get_whd_asset_client_user_names {
my @client_ids = get_whd_asset_client_ids();
my @client_user_names;
foreach ( @client_ids ) {
my $url = URI->new( $whd_client_url . $_ );
'username' => $whd_api_user,
'apiKey' => $whd_api_key,
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$ua->ssl_opts( SSL_ca_file => $cacert_pem );
my $res = $ua->get( $url );
if ( ! $res->is_success ) {
print $res->status_line;
exit 1;
# decode_json() is provided by the JSON module.
my $data = decode_json( $res->decoded_content() );
my $client_id = $data->{ id };
my $client_username = $data->{ username };
print "retrieved client id $client_id user name $client_username.\n";
push @client_user_names, $client_username;
return @client_user_names;
# Get all client IDs for an asset in WHD using the hardware serial number.
# Returns an array of client IDs.
sub get_whd_asset_client_ids {
my $data = get_whd_asset_data();
my $asset_id = $data->{ id };
my $asset_no = $data->{ assetNumber };
my @clients = @{ $data->{ clients } };
print "retrieved asset id $asset_id tag $asset_no serial number $hw_serial_no.\n";
if ( @clients < 1 ) {
print "error: asset id $asset_id tag $asset_no serial number $hw_serial_no has no clients.\n\n";
exit 1;
my @client_ids;
foreach ( @clients ) {
push @client_ids, $_->{ id };
return @client_ids;
# Get an asset from WHD using the hardware serial number.
# Returns a single asset array.
# If there is 0 or more than 1 asset(s) returned by the WHD API query, then
# exit with an error.
sub get_whd_asset_data {
my $whd_serial_no = $_[ 0 ] || $hw_serial_no;
my $is_try_again = $_[ 1 ] || 0;
my $url = URI->new( $whd_asset_url );
'username' => $whd_api_user,
'apiKey' => $whd_api_key,
'qualifier' => "( serialNumber = '${whd_serial_no}' )",
'style' => 'details'
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
$ua->ssl_opts( SSL_ca_file => $cacert_pem );
my $res = $ua->get( $url );
if ( ! $res->is_success ) {
print $res->status_line;
exit 1;
# decode_json() is provided by the JSON module.
my $data = decode_json( $res->decoded_content() );
if ( @{ $data } < 1 ) {
print "error: no asset for serial number $whd_serial_no.\n";
if ( $is_try_again ) {
print "\n";
exit 1;
# The barcode scanner adds an extra "S", so if we do not find
# the asset, try again with a leading "S".
return get_whd_asset_data( "S$whd_serial_no", 1 );
} elsif ( @{ $data } > 1 ) {
print "error: more than one asset for serial number $whd_serial_no.\n\n";
exit 1;
return @{ $data }[ 0 ];