JSM Screenshot Machine Shortcode

Version Information

  • Plugin Name: JSM Screenshot Machine Shortcode
  • Stable Version: 2.3.0
  • Author: JS Morisset
  • Description: Shortcode to include images from Screenshot Machine in your content.
  • License: GPLv3
  • Requires PHP: 7.2.34 or newer
  • Requires WordPress: 5.8 or newer
  • Tested Up To WordPress: 6.4.2
  • Last Updated: 6 months ago
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3 comments on “JSM Screenshot Machine Shortcode

  1. Rated 5 out of 5

    I’ve been looking for a great screenshot plugin for some time. The ones that are on here are commonly blocked by the websites I need a picture of. Couldn’t have been easier to get it set up and works flawlessly. Keep up the great work!

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