JSM Adobe XMP / IPTC for WordPress

Version Information

  • Plugin Name: JSM Adobe XMP / IPTC for WordPress
  • Stable Version: 1.6.0
  • Author: JS Morisset
  • Description: Provides Adobe XMP / IPTC information from Media Library or NextGEN Gallery images using a shortcode or PHP class method.
  • License: GPLv3
  • Requires PHP: 7.2.34 or newer
  • Requires WordPress: 5.8 or newer
  • Tested Up To WordPress: 6.4.2
  • Last Updated: 1 year ago

Automated Install

  1. Go to the wp-admin/ section of your website.
  2. Select the Plugins menu item.
  3. Select the Add New sub-menu item.
  4. In the Search box, enter the plugin name.
  5. Click the Search Plugins button.
  6. Click the Install Now link for the plugin.
  7. Click the Activate Plugin link.

Semi-Automated Install

  1. Download the plugin ZIP file.
  2. Go to the wp-admin/ section of your website.
  3. Select the Plugins menu item.
  4. Select the Add New sub-menu item.
  5. Click on Upload link (just under the Install Plugins page title).
  6. Click the Browse... button.
  7. Navigate your local folders / directories and choose the ZIP file you downloaded previously.
  8. Click on the Install Now button.
  9. Click the Activate Plugin link.
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